Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, December 7, 2008

All Eyes On You

With the plethora of make-up on the market, it's hard to know what to choose & easy to get overwhelmed! I've spent I don't know how much money on finding the right brands & choosing just the right shades. And, then even more money after I've thrown away the ones that didn't work & went back & bought the ones that did. It's definitely a game of trial & error.

But, make-up is a girl's best friend...ok, maybe 2nd best. :) Regardless, it's essential! I feel completely naked if I don't "put on my face" every morning. Of course, there was a time when I didn't feel that way. As much as I hate to admit it, my friend Katie is responsible for my love affair w/ make-up. She would always say, "you need to play up your eyes...wear more eyeshadow & eyeliner." Don't get me wrong, I wore it, I just never wore enough to look like it was even there! I always thought it made my eyes look like a raccoon, so I shied away from it. Well, I've grown out of that stage and now I can't get enough of the stuff! I think I've probably tried every brand & color out there.

There's one thing in particular that I have to credit Katie (again) for helping me find & I think all you girls (please no guys ;)) should try!

I've used Cover Girl eyeliner for at least a couple years & have been pretty happy with it. My only complaint would be that I have to reapply it like...all the time! If I rub my eyes, it comes off. If I cry, it comes off. It goes AND comes off too easily! Katie was telling me recently that she started using M.A.C. eyeliner & loved it, so I thought, hmmm, let's see if it works. So, I went & bought it & it's the best $14 I've ever spent! It WILL NOT come off (unless of course you use eye make-up remover) & it looks fabulous! I'm definitely in love! :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fashion Forward

Have you ever stepped in your closet & thought, "It's time to go shopping...I have NOTHING to wear!!??" And even if that isn't true, we buy into it...literally. Besdies, it's still a great excuse to buy that new tunic you've been eyeing or those boots that scream your name! I know if I had my way (and a little more money!), I'd be at the mall as much as possible scoping out that next great piece for my wardrobe. After all, I've already thrown out or given away the stuff that's umpteen years old, so I have to replace them, right? :)

What is it about fashion that keeps drawing us in? Coco Chanel once said, "Dress shabbily, they notice the dress. Dress impeccably, they notice the woman." I think that the desire to be beautiful & noticed is at the core of every woman. And, that's why the fashion industry thrives year after year. We will keep going back...or forward...depending on how you look at it.

SO, this post is dedicated to all your fashion lovers out there who want to continually move forward with your unique style! And even if you aren't style savvy right now, don't worry, you can easily transform into a fashionista overnight. ;) Here's a few tips that might help you get started:

1. Follow the trends but put your own twist on it.
2. Dress for your body type. Wear clothes that are flattering on YOUR figure, not someone else's. 3. Be comfortable AND cute.
4. Buy a couple fashion magazines & try to mimic an outfit that really jumps out at you. (People StyleWatch is my fav!)
5. Experiment with your hair & make-up...the final ingredients to ANY good outfit!
6. Buy clothes & shoes that are versatile with lots of different things already in your closet.
7. SHOP SALES! You'll be amazed at what you will find.
8. AND, last...BE BOLD! Try things you never thought you'd wear before! (Suggestion...tunics w/ leggings...very cute!)

I love fashion with a passion & I enjoy getting other women excited about it! It's truly amazing what the right clothes, hair & make-up will do to your demeanor.

So, get started! You deserve it!