Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, December 7, 2008

All Eyes On You

With the plethora of make-up on the market, it's hard to know what to choose & easy to get overwhelmed! I've spent I don't know how much money on finding the right brands & choosing just the right shades. And, then even more money after I've thrown away the ones that didn't work & went back & bought the ones that did. It's definitely a game of trial & error.

But, make-up is a girl's best friend...ok, maybe 2nd best. :) Regardless, it's essential! I feel completely naked if I don't "put on my face" every morning. Of course, there was a time when I didn't feel that way. As much as I hate to admit it, my friend Katie is responsible for my love affair w/ make-up. She would always say, "you need to play up your eyes...wear more eyeshadow & eyeliner." Don't get me wrong, I wore it, I just never wore enough to look like it was even there! I always thought it made my eyes look like a raccoon, so I shied away from it. Well, I've grown out of that stage and now I can't get enough of the stuff! I think I've probably tried every brand & color out there.

There's one thing in particular that I have to credit Katie (again) for helping me find & I think all you girls (please no guys ;)) should try!

I've used Cover Girl eyeliner for at least a couple years & have been pretty happy with it. My only complaint would be that I have to reapply it like...all the time! If I rub my eyes, it comes off. If I cry, it comes off. It goes AND comes off too easily! Katie was telling me recently that she started using M.A.C. eyeliner & loved it, so I thought, hmmm, let's see if it works. So, I went & bought it & it's the best $14 I've ever spent! It WILL NOT come off (unless of course you use eye make-up remover) & it looks fabulous! I'm definitely in love! :)