Butterfly Sparks Designs

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Defining Confidence

I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be confident...I mean, truly confident. I've always been one of those girls that struggles if I put on a few pounds, or have a bad hair day, or my make-up doesn't look quite right. I know, I know...it sounds shallow. But, it's a struggle that's been with me for a long time & I'm not really sure where it originated. Granted, it's gotten a lot better over the years, but nonetheless, still there. No one's made me feel that way...it's just a pressure I put on myself to look good ALL the time. It's ridiculous! I mean, that's impossible for any of us. So, I decided to just stop! Stop worrying about how I look 24/7, or what others might be thinking, cause more than likely they're not thinking about it nearly as much as I am any way!

Why is this a struggle for not only me, but LOTS of women? The obvious answers are the images & pressure that our society puts on women to be rail thin, beautiful, & have it all together...all the time. But, see, I don't think that's where confidence truly comes from. Being fit & feeling beautiful defintely helps, but it's not our entire identity if we are in Christ. Because the make-up of who we really are lies in HIM. HE doesn't stop loving us if we put on a few pounds or have a bad hair day. He is the One who is perfect & in His eyes, so are we....in every possible way.

Am I going to have bad days in this area again even though I know the truth...probably. But, I'm moving forward by choosing to not focus on it & by allowing Him to make me more beautiful!


Jenna Cox said...

awesome steph! love this post!

Fashionista said...

Awww...thanks Jenna. :) It's been on my heart...hope it encourages everyone!